Todd Olson, Vice President of Product Development, is responsible for architecting and developing the Together® product line at TogetherSoft. Prior to joining TogetherSoft, Olson was Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Cerebellum Software, a leading Internet data integration company that developed solutions to integrate enterprise portal e-business applications and e-commerce projects with corporate data. Olson is the original inventor and creator of the patent-pending Cerebellum data integration product. As Chief Technology Officer for Cerebellum Software, Olson oversaw the ongoing research and development of the company's Java(tm) technology-based products. Prior to Cerebellum Software, Olson worked at MBNA for six years as a database designer and software architect. Olson frequently speaks at leading industry events on the topics of Java technology, Enterprise JavaBean(tm) technology, and distributed computing.
Adding a WebServices Strategy
Wednesday 09:00 - 10:00 (Conference Hall)
Developers are now being asked to devise a WebServices strategy. In many cases, this means adding Web Services to an already complex IT environment. This session will discuss how to add Web Services to your landscape, integrate these with your existing systems, and not disrupt your application development.