Connect your WAP device to: http://www.jaoo.dk/wap.wml and read about JAOO 2000.
Are your WAP device connected?
Here are the settings to get started:
- Home page: any one you like
- Connection type: Continous
- Connection security: Off
- Bearer: Data
- Dial-up number: +45 33233382
- IP address:
- Authentication type: Normal
- Data call type: ISDN
- Data call speed: 9600
- User name: Wap
- Password: Wapcall
These are settings for a WAP gateway supplied by Ericsson and you can use it for free.
Need a WAP emulator? Go look at http://www.forum.nokia.com/main/ - you need to register.
You don't have a WAP Phone and you would like one - then join our maillinglist and get a chance of winning one!