- 09:00 |
Breakfast |
09:00 -09:45 |
[09:00 - 09:45] A Java
Framework at Work - Inside the VisualAge MicroEdition IDE UI. Eric
Gamma, Object Technology International
Conference Hall |
[09:00-09:45] The J2EE
Connector Architecture, Mark Hapner, Sun Microsystems Inc |
Balcony |
[09:00-13:00] Contracts
for Componenets Bertrand Meyer, Interactive Software Engineering |
Tutorial |
[09:00-09:45] Designing for Performance in Java Brian Wheeldon, KL Group |
Business |
- 10:00 |
Break |
10:00 - 12:00 |
[9:00-13:00] Contracts
for Componenets. Bertrand Meyer, Interactive Software Engineering |
Tutorial |
Object Constraint Language - OCL Jos Warmer, Klasse Objecten |
Conference Hall |
[10:00-12:00] Application Design with Java 2 Enterprise Edition
Gregory Murray, Sun Microsystems Inc. |
Balcony (a tutorial) |
[11:00-11:45] Tool Support for
Creativity, Flexibility, and Collaboration in Object-Oriented Modelling
Klaus Marius Hansen and Michael Thomsen, Ideogramic |
Conference Hall |
[10:00-11:00] The Importance of a solid and scalable Infrastructure
Jørn Bo Jacobsen, BEA Systems Denmark |
Business |
[11:00-12:00] IBM Websphere Family
Michael Tuska, IBM |
Business |
12:00 - 13:00 |
Lunch |
13:00 - 14:00 |
Keynote: Fred Taylor, Making Software, and Conversation. Kent
Beck, Inventor of Extreme Programming, First Class Software |
Conference Hall |
14:00 - 16:30 |
[13:00-16:30] An
Introduction to UML's Object Constraint Language Jos Warmer, Klasse Objecten |
Tutorial |
[14:00-15:00] What Every
Java Developer Needs to Know Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, Wirfs-Brock Associates |
Conference Hall |
[14:00-15:00] The road to a successful e-portal Torben Hagen Britze, LEC |
Balcony |
[14:00 - 15:00] J2EE and e-Business: A winning combination
Dimitri Maesfranckx |
Business |
[15:00 -
16:00] Component Construction with Patterns
(Part II)
Frank Buschmann, Siemens Corp. Technology |
Conference Hall |
[15:30-16:15] An
Optimizing Compiler for Java Allen Wirfs Brock, Chief Technology Officer Instantiations Inc. |
Balcony |