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Thomas Martinsen, Founder and CEO, TENTEO

 Thomas  Martinsen Thomas is an experienced and reputable developer in .NET. He has always focused on the architecture for both small and large solutions. OO-based development and user-friendly solutions are two of Thomas' obsessions. He often gets praise for the ability to understand the customer and the customer's situation. His areas of expertise include C#, WPF, Silverlight and Surface development.

Workshop: "Building Data-driven Applications with Microsoft ASP.NET and Silverlight"

Track: Tutorial

Time: Sunday 13:00 - 16:00

Location: 421+423 Music Hall

Learn how Microsoft is simplifying the traditional n-tier data-driven application pattern by bringing together ASP.NET and Silverlight, and see .NET RIA Services in action as it allows you to tap into the synergy of .NET on the server and on the client.  Learn about patterns for working with data in an end-to-end manner and implementing reusable and independently testable middle-tier application logic.