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Dalibor Topic, Sun's free and open source Java go-to guy
Dalibor Topic is a Java F/OSS Ambassador at Sun Microsystems, living in Hamburg,
Germany. He's working with the OpenJDK community to firmly anchor Open Source
Java SE in GNU/Linux distributions, and encourage porting it to new platforms, in order to help grow the OpenJDK developer community. He is currently keeping himself busy writing code for the jpkg tool for JDK 7.
He's been involved with Open Source Java since 2002, when he took over co-maintainership of the Kaffe project. Working with the GNU Classpath community, he's been instrumental in bringing several Java-oriented free software projects together around the GNU Classpath community, and now works on making it all happen again inside OpenJDK.
Presentation: "Open JDK and What it Means for the Java Developer"
Tuesday 11:30 - 12:30
Lille Sal
Abstract: Since 2006, the OpenJDK project has gradually turned the
development of the Java SE reference implementation into
a friendly open source project with an active and diverse
community. In order to do so, the project had to invent its
own ways of encouraging and nurturing open innovation
across organizational boundaries - using distributed version
control systems and sidestreams of development to allow the
infrastructure for participation to gradually emerge from
the needs and capabilities of its community, thereby extending
the permeable development model established in GNU Classpath
further to OpenJDK.
Meanwhile, JDK 7 is looming on the horizon, the first JDK
release to include community-led features from OpenJDK. In
this session, we'll look into different examples of open
innovation that are scheduled to become JDK 7 features, like
type annotations, improved concurrency support, small language
changes, JVM extensions for dynamic language support or the XRender
Java 2D pipeline.
We'll also look at porting projects like IcedTea, Zero, Shark
and the BSD port, which explore a more classical axis of open
innovation, and to the array of innovative projects outside the
OpenJDK project itself like IKVM and CACAO which use OpenJDK as
a provider of components to assemble and re-assemble for
exploring new niches.
Finally, we'll discuss how to participate in OpenJDK
development, fixing the bug one always wanted to hunt down,
exploring a new project, or adding the one feature that was
missing all those years.
Keywords: Java, OpenJDK, JDK 7, Open Source, permeable development, open innovation
Target audience: Java and open source developers. They'd get insight into the open source development process and community growth behind the next release of the platform.