Workshop: "A practical guide to break barriers with HTML5 & WebSockets and enable a statefull and real-time Web"
Time: Thursday 13:00 - 16:00
Location: 421+423 Music Hall
By large the majority of us have been creating applications for the Web since the early 90's and we have "just" accepted the stateless nature of the Web and the fact that HTTP is limiting us to a request response communication profile.
Sixteen years later we have an opportunity to let Web communication take a gigantic step forward - if we let it - and forever change the way in which we build applications for the Web. There are several new W3C specifications, which some of them are spin-offs from the HTML 5 specification, which are putting a new spin on how we can communicate over the Web. Among these cool innovative ideas there is one innovation in particular (W3C's WebSockets) that will enable full-duplex Web communication, and finally bring an end to the tired request response paradigm traditionally associated with the Web.
W3C’s WebSocket standard enables communication from the browser to any TCP-based back-end service (for example, JMS, JMX, IMAP, Jabber, and so on). During the tutorial examples of the use of WebSockets and other communication standards such as Server-Sent Events and Cross-document messaging will be shown. The techniques and technologies covered in this session will include, but are not limited to, JavaScript, Flash, Silverlight, and communication protocols such as AMQP, XMPP, and Stomp.
This is a HANDS-ON tutorial, so bring your laptop!!!
Summary: By large the majority of us have been creating applications for the Web since the early 90's and we have "just" accepted the stateless nature of the Web and the fact that HTTP is limiting us to a request response communication profile. With new emerging standards such as W3C's HTML 5 and WebSockets we can change all of this! BRING YOUR LAPTOP!!